Saturday, January 5, 2008

William Fitzsimmons

It has been a very long time since an artist captured my attention and admiration like William Fitzsimmons.

His 24 songs in my iTunes library are making the other 15,498 very jealous. In fact, the last time I synced my iPod, three songs were MISSING, so I'm pretty sure I've got mutiny on my hands.

I implore you to take a moment, check out his site, and give him a listen. Just click the banner below. See, I've already done all the work for you - you have no excuse!

I swear - I carry you people like luggage.

I'm out-

1 comment:

Don said...

Dude! I think I dig this Billy Fitz, cat. Nice. And *HOW* did you manage that tits playlist at the bottom of your page. What is that? How's it done? I need you to carry me a baby.