Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lyric of the Week - August 27, 2007

I am also going to move the lyric of the week from the sidebar list into an actual post. Again, it affords an opportunity for you, the reader, to get some insight into why a lyric grabbed my attention. Maybe it will even shed some light on why I am so damn bitter all the time.

This week's emotional beatdown comes courtesy of Canadian folkie Sarah Harmer, from her song "Greeting Card Aisle", featured on the album All Of Our Names (2004). Apparently, our hero has called her, literally, from a greeting card aisle, and offered some store-bought sentiment/apology for his supposed crimes. Suffice it to say, it backfired.

She responds to one of his Hallmark nicknames with the following:

"Well, this Light of Your Life has drawn the blind."

and then, to kick him whilst he's down, she adds:

"The wind from the river will swirl like a scream and wrap itself around you,
There may be a friend somewhere down the road, but from here you have to walk it out alone"

Oh snap.

Not only does he get dumped, he gets a pox placed upon him and ostracized at the same time. I don't really feel that summoning the elements to increase the suffering was warranted, but hey - it's their journey.

The artist and the album

A greeting card aisle, site of the alleged insincerity

I'm out -


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