Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Basement Bike Experiment 2010 - Day 35

First, a clarification from the post of Day 33. I originally thought Karen had a morning appointment and that I would ride in the morning while she was gone. Well, she didn't, so I didn't, and there it is.

And now, Day 35. I am pleased about tonight's ride for 2 reasons: the distance, and more importantly, the time. I must be improving, because I am getting better at maintaining a higher average speed for farther and farther distances.

Time: 1:18:39

Distance: 20.11 miles

Avg. speed: 15.3 mph

Max. speed: 19.3 mph

Music: Thompson Twins - Into the Gap (Deluxe Edition)

Relevant lyric: " . . . no rest for the wicked, and we're all too scared to stop . . ."

Miles to March 2010 goal: 146.67

Days to March 2010 goal: 24


Cumulative Experiment stats:

Time: 15:40:21

Distance: 213.45 miles

Avg. speed: 13.62 mph


I have crossed the 200 mile threshold, and my ass is finally used to sitting in that tiny seat. That's no joke - it is seriously a quite painful process and I am beyond relieved that it's over. It's bad enough to be a motivation to keep riding so I don't have to do it again.

I have been operating on just about an every other day schedule, so the next step is to string some consecutive days together. I've done this the right way so far by keeping early expectations realistic, and I'm happy with the steady progression tactic I've used.

I'm out-

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