Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Basement Bike Experiment 2010 - Day 5

I fully intended on riding tonight, but ultimately decided that I had to listen to the screams of agony coming from my quadriceps. I have to get out of the mindset that rest is a bad thing.

I like the idea of a two-pronged attack (walking and riding), but I need to figure out the right mix. I cranked out some great distance walking today, but then I nixed the ride. Maybe I have to decide each day where the bulk of the effort is going to go and back off on the other. Either that, or I just need to keep hammering and wait it out until I am actually in shape again.

Pedometer count: 10,500

Another nice round number. I should start playing the lotto.

Day 6 is a scheduled off day. See you Sunday.

I'm out-

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